Santa Barbara Bee Company- "A full service bee company!"


Live Bee Removal is an option... please do not spray or kill honey bees.
Live Bee Removal services in Los Alamos, Lompoc, Buellton, Santa Ynez, Goleta, Santa Barbara, Carpinteria
Contact us for more info - 698-0505

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Santa Barbara Bee Removal

Hive in Electrical Box - Santa Barbara
Exterior electrical boxes need to be kept in good repair. Scout bees will find the crack in the boards (2nd photo) and direct the swarm to a new hive location. This was a new hive, 4 sheets of comb approx. 10 inches long. The owner was fortunate to have found it and have it removed sooner, rather than later.  Given enough time, next spring the bees would have continued to draw out comb to cover the boxes and wiring shown.

Santa Barbara Bee Company - "A full service bee company!"
Bee Removal Information - Types, Cost, Contact Info