Santa Barbara Bee Company- "A full service bee company!"


Live Bee Removal is an option... please do not spray or kill honey bees.
Live Bee Removal services in Los Alamos, Lompoc, Buellton, Santa Ynez, Goleta, Santa Barbara, Carpinteria
Contact us for more info - 698-0505

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bee Hive Removal Lompoc

A live bee hive removal. I thought this was a good example of how quickly bees can build up comb.  The bees had found a small crack under the roof eaves and had been very busy.  This was a newer hive (approx. 3-4 weeks) as indicated by all the new white comb.  This comb was so new and soft it was difficult to hang on the frames I wanted to put it on.  From the photo you can see 5 separate combs (there were at least 8) and each one was approx. 16 inches in length.

Bee Swarm Removal Santa Barbara

June 24, 2010
A large bee swarm removed from the tree canopy.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bee Hive Removal Goleta

This was a small live bee hive removal in Goleta.  My 10 year old nephew was in town and was eager to help out.  This photo shows him posing next to the comb that had been drawn out.  This hive was approx. 4 weeks old and enclosed in the space of a double sided fence.  It was a great 1st experience for a new beekeeper.  We rehived in a small TBH nuc box.

First experience with bees. Can you see the smile!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bee Hive Removal Santa Barbara

Live bee hive removal from a spa. So, one of the initial questions I ask when discussing a removal is "how long have the bees been in this location?"  On this particular job the home owner had thought the bees had just moved into the side of this spa 2-3 weeks ago.  There was a small hole in the side panel of the spa and it was very active with bees coming and going.  Imagine my surprise when I had the side panel removed and saw this...!