Santa Barbara Bee Company- "A full service bee company!"


Live Bee Removal is an option... please do not spray or kill honey bees.
Live Bee Removal services in Los Alamos, Lompoc, Buellton, Santa Ynez, Goleta, Santa Barbara, Carpinteria
Contact us for more info - 698-0505

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Lompoc Hive Removal

Hives can look inconspicuous, but letting them go unchecked for years just means there will be more to remove later.  Many owners become accustomed to bees in a wall, shed, or out-building... but there always comes a time when the bees just become bothersome. 

Storage Building - Yellow spots in lower right of photo is
expanding foam - - It will not keep bees out!

Low and behold - that hive was quite large, with at
 least 40 lbs. of excess honey!
Santa Barbara Bee Company - "A full service bee company!"