Santa Barbara Bee Company- "A full service bee company!"


Live Bee Removal is an option... please do not spray or kill honey bees.
Live Bee Removal services in Los Alamos, Lompoc, Buellton, Santa Ynez, Goleta, Santa Barbara, Carpinteria
Contact us for more info - 698-0505

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Live Bee Removal - Lompoc Ranch

If you have had bees before, take care and seal up all cracks and openings.  If you forget, or put it off until later you may be tempting fate!  Bees love to move into spaces that already have a bee scent...

Santa Barbara Bee Company - "A full service bee company!"

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bee Removal Hope Ranch

This was a challenging removal - tight squeeze, red tile roof, stucco soffit.... lots of prep and set-up went in to this removal, but in the end all bees and comb were removed.

Santa Barbara Bee Company - "A full service bee company!"

Monday, April 23, 2012

Bee Removal Santa Ynez

Bees like to move into spaces that house electrical boxes.  This was at a home that had hook-ups for a generator, but the cover didn't have a good seal.  These bees were relocated to an orchard in Santa Barbara.

Santa Barbara Bee Company - "A full service bee company!"

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Goleta Bee Hive Removal

This was a fun removal for Goleta Valley Beautiful.  The hive was located in the hollow of a large branch that had fallen and was sitting at the base of a tree reported to be approximately 250 years old. That would put this magnificent tree as a seedling in the year 1762... amazing!

Santa Barbara Bee Company - "A full service bee company!"

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Exposed Hive Removal - Resort Hotel

This was an enormous exposed hive about 40 feet up in a very large oak tree.  It is hard to judge size by the photo, but to give you perspective, once it was cut from the tree, we placed in in an extra large plastic trash can I picked up at OSH.  I put a screened vent about midway up the can and a 4 inch wide slit at the bottom for an entrance.  To get to the hive we had a Pettibone crane lift us up in a bucket.

Santa Barbara Bee Company - "A full service bee company!"

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Swarm Removal Santa Barbara

A swarm in a gutter.  It seemed that the bees were attempting to enter the stucco soffit, underneath the eaves.  This homeowner was lucky that we were able to scoop the bees into a box before they could find their way into a new home.

Santa Barbara Bee Company - "A full service bee company!"

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Bee Hive / Swarm Removal Santa Barbara

This was a nice sized swarm that moved into a spa through the vent in the side panels. The bees had only been present for a couple of days and had already drawn out 1 oblong piece of comb approx. 8 inches long. There were a lot of bees, many more than can bee seen from the photo.  The ball extended up several more inches above the red board.

Santa Barbara Bee Company - "A full service bee company!"

Monday, April 2, 2012

Santa Barbara Bee Swarm Removal

This was a very large swarm positioned up in a young jacaranda tree at a local shopping center. The ball was dropped into a box and then the box was placed into a tree to collect those still flying in the air.

Santa Barbara Bee Company - "A full service bee company!"