Santa Barbara Bee Company- "A full service bee company!"


Live Bee Removal is an option... please do not spray or kill honey bees.
Live Bee Removal services in Los Alamos, Lompoc, Buellton, Santa Ynez, Goleta, Santa Barbara, Carpinteria
Contact us for more info - 698-0505

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Bee Swarm on Palm Frond- Santa Barbara

This was a huge swarm which was in my buddies yard.  He had multiple hives, one of which swarmed... and was unavailable to come get his own bees.  I gladly helped out.  This was the biggest swarm of the season for me.  Notice the gentleman on the other side of the fence.  He helped hold the box while I used big loppers to cut the frond free and place it in a box.  This was at least 3x the size of the normal copy paper box that I use to catch swarms.  I placed this swarm in a Top Bar Hive and in less than a month more than 20 bars had drawn comb... unfortunately some of it was crossed and I had to make some adjustments... (please forgive the terrible photo quality - I usually snap these with my cell phone, not a real camera).