Bee hive removal. I was asked to take a look at a hive by the property owner where I keep several hives. The bees were pestering/stinging several of the guys when they walked near the chain link fence on a utility road at the back of the property. This was located in a wood pile (old sign posts) on an old farm property that looked more like a dumping area than farm area. This hive was very agitated and defended their area aggressively. Could have been several factors, one of which was this was late summer and water/food could have been scarce.
Sign Post was approx. 3 feet wide at top |
I didn't try to rehive this particular colony. They were less than 200 yards from my apiary and I was concerned about mixing genetics. I collected all the honey comb and ended up putting the rest of the comb in bags... sorry to have to do it, but the hive was too close to road space and greenhouse. It just wasn't the right colony in the right place.